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Risks Caused by Over-Assembly

Why you should always follow the manufacturer's guidelines when connecting test hoses with hydraulic test couplings

In tutto il mondo
Andreas Heinzen
Tempo di lettura stimato: 3 minuti/s

Risks Caused by Over-Assembly

Why you should always follow the manufacturer's guidelines when connecting test hoses with hydraulic test couplings

In tutto il mondo
Andreas Heinzen
Tempo di lettura stimato: 3 minuti/s

Over-assembly poses a hazard

When connecting ready-made measuring hoses with the corresponding measuring couplings, please always observe the specific manufacturer's specifications

Always make sure to follow the specific manufacturers' guidelines when it comes to connecting test hoses with hydraulic test couplings in order to prevent potentially harmful impacts on the health of users and bystanders as well as on the environment.

The following video was produced by STAUFF for awareness and eductional purposes and deliberately shows the result of disregarding these guidelines.

Please note: The actions in this video were performed by trained professionals in a safe and controlled environment using laboratory equipment. Please do not try this yourself!

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Andreas Heinzen
Product Specialist in the Sales team at STAUFF Germany
Andreas Heinzen