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Behind every tree a world market leader

The STAUFF Group is based in the South Westphalia region with its headquarters, several plants and the logistics centre

Estimated read time: 3 minute/s

Behind every tree a world market leader

The STAUFF Group is based in the South Westphalia region with its headquarters, several plants and the logistics centre

Estimated read time: 3 minute/s

Plenty of room for free development

Since the company was founded, the STAUFF Group has been based in the South Westphalia region with its headquarters, several plants and the logistics centre

1. Germany's youngest region

South Westphalia, that means: About 1.4 million inhabitants and also the "youngest" region in Germany.

Because: It was only in 2007 that the Märkischer Kreis, the Hochsauerlandkreis and the districts of Soest, Olpe and Siegen-Wittgenstein, with a total of 59 cities and communities, joined together to form the region of South Westphalia.

The most populous cities in South Westphalia are Siegen, Iserlohn, Lüdenscheid and Arnsberg.

2. Plenty of room for free development

With a total area of around 6,200 square kilometers, South Westphalia occupies around one fifth of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. However, only about one twelfth of the total population of North Rhine-Westphalia lives in the region.

3. Structurally weak? Not at all!

With around 47 per cent of all employees being employed in the manufacturing sector, South Westphalia is Germany's third strongest industrial region after Villingen-Schwenningen and Heidenheim-Aalen in Baden-Württemberg, making it one of the most successful business locations in the Republic. In the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, South Westphalia is the undisputed number one in this respect.

In the Märkischer Kreis district, where the STAUFF sites are located, this rate is even higher at over 50 percent.

Don't get confused with the geographical terms in this article:

Märkischer Kreis is one of the five districts of South Westphalia.

Sauerland is the name of an informal region mostly within South Westphalia.

South Westphalia is a region of North Rhine Westphalia.

North Rhine-Westphalia is one of the sixteen federal states of Germany.

4. One hidden champion next to the other

Would you have known? More than 160 world market leaders formally confirmed by the Chambers of Industry and Commerce in Hagen, Arnsberg and Siegen – often medium-sized, owner-managed and yet frequently internationally positioned family businesses – and many more hidden champions call the South Westphalia region home.

One of them: STAUFF as a leading manufacturer and supplier of pipe, tube and hose clamps for hydraulic applications, industrial pipeline construction and industries.

5. Economic diversity

The most important industries in South Westphalia include the automotive industry, metal and mechanical engineering, building technology and the healthcare industry.

70 percent of German production of switches and power sockets, 60 percent of sanitary fittings and every second lamp and light manufactured in Germany come from South Westphalia.

6. From the forests of South Westphalia

And: South Westphalia – the green heart of Germany with a share of forest area of about 60 percent – is home to one of the largest cultures for Christmas trees and decorative foliage in all of Europe.

South Westphalia as the designation of origin now also serves as a sign for excellent quality when selling the trees across borders.

Learn more about the region of South Westphalia, the Sauerland and the Märkischer Kreis:


STAUFF Locations in the Region of South Westphalia

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